Islamic figures
– There are many Islamic figures, including Caliphs, Companions, and common people, who made differences in Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem.
– Some of them left an impact through the Islamic conquests; others left an impact in different fields like commerce, architecture and construction, or in knowledge fields.
Figures that Played a Role in Liberating Bay Al-Maqdis
The Omari Liberation:
– Abu Bakr As-Siddiq:
He ordered the armies to march to the Levant and Bayt Al-Maqdis to liberate them, after the death of Prophet Mohammed,PBUH.
– Omar bin Al-Khattab:
After the death of Abu Bakr, he ordered the armies to go liberate Bayt Al-Maqdis, under the leadership of Abu Obaida bin
He besieged Jerusalem until its people surrendered.
They stipulated that Omar bin Al-Khattab himself receive the keys of the city.
– Abu Obaida Amer bin Al-Jarrah:
He led the Muslim armies during the siege over Jerusalem.
He had fought its garrison and defeated them more than once, until they realized that there is no choice other than surrender.
– Bilal bin Rabah:
He witnessed the liberation of Bayt Al-Maqdis, and called for prayer in Al-Aqsa Mosque for the first time after the death of
the Messenger, PBUH.
Saladin’s Liberation of Jerusalem
– Imad Ad-Din Zinki:
He put a strategic plan to liberate Bayt Al-Maqdis, after it had been occupied by the Crusaders.
Yet, he died before the liberation.
– Noor Ad-Din Zinki:
He continued with the plan of his father, Imad Ad-Din, in the liberation process.
Also, he commended a magnificent pulpit to be put in Al-Aqsa Mosque after liberating it.
– Saladin:
He achieved the goal of Imad Ad-Din Zinki’s plan.
He led the armies in Hittin Battle, aiming at liberating Bayt Al-Maqdis.
He liberated it in 1187.
Figures that Left an Impact in Life
– Obada bin As-Samit:
The first to hold the position of Chief Justice in Jerusalem after the Omari Liberation.
He was buried in Ar-Rahma cemetery.
– Muawiyah bin Abu Sofian:
During his reign, he minted coinage named“Elia’a”, which is another name of Jerusalem
– Shaddad bin Aws:
He was a man of knowledge and wisdom.
He stayed in Bayt Al-Maqdis until his death.
He was buried in Ar-Rahma Cemetery.
– Abu Dhār Al-Ghafari:
He witnessed the liberation of Bayt Al-Maqdis, and taught people the narration of the Prophet’s Hadith.
– Abdul Malik bin Marwan:
He ordered the building of the Dome of the Rock and Al-Qibli Mosque.
Jerusalem thrived during his reign.
– Suleiman Al-Qanouni:
He had restored the wall of the Old Town.
Also, he built a lot of springs, and installed the blue Qashani tile on the Dome of the Rock.
– Abdul Hamid II:
He was known for his deep love of Jerusalem and his efforts in defending its cause.
He refused Herzl’s request to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, and so he was removed from the Caliphate.
– Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali:
He is a Muslim scholar.
He entered seclusion in Al-Aqsa mosque and wrote his book “Ma’arij Al-Quds fi Madarij Ma’rifat An-Nafs”.
Also, scripts written by him are kept in Al-Aqsa Mosque’s library.