The Occupying State

The Occupying State

[The Political System] Introduction

The establishment of what is called the Israeli State was no accident
or quick decision; it has precisely been pre-planned. It started
before the First World War, and Britain released the ominous
Balfour Declaration, which was a British pledge to establish a
national homeland for Jews on the Palestinian land. This declaration
opened the door for the Jewish migration to Palestine. After the
1948 War, the establishment of the “State of Israel” in the occupied
Palestine was announced.

The Constitution and the President of the State

Basically, Israel (the occupied Palestine) doesn’t have a
comprehensive constitution that regulates the state’s shape and
relations with the authorities and the civil rights. Israel doesn’t have
a constitution because the Rabbis oppose having one. They fear
that it may contradict with the religious teachings or the renewing
Israeli political needs. Yet, there is a cluster of items that are
considered as a law, except that they are not obligatory, and are
.used just whenever needed
,As for the president of the state, he actually has minor authority
like signing important documents with prime ministers, declare a
.general amnesty for prisoners, and so on

The Executive Authority; the Government

:The Council of Ministers-
it is considered the executive part of
the government. It is the body that is directly accountable to the
Knesset and that must seek to win the confidence of it. As for
the government, the Knesset has the right to vote for a
.no-confidence  motion
:The Prime Minister-
he is the president of the executive
authority. The prime minister is in charge of organizing the work
of all of the ministries, in addition to censuring the government’s
work, and managing the civil service. It’s often the president of
one of the strongest two parties in Israel, the Labor and the
Likud, who carries out this function. There is another party that
competes with them, which is Kadima. Most of the presidents
.have a military background before taking office

The Legislative Authority; the Knesset

“Knesset” is a Hebrew word that means “meeting”. It is now usedo refer to the Israeli parliament. It consists of 120 representatives at are elected to serve in this position for 4 years. The Knesset can make any laws they want, as long as they do not violate the  laws on which the Zionist Entity was founded. It has some quasi- judicial functions. For example, it has the right to impeach the state’s president or comptroller .for particular reasons

The Judicial Authority

The Judicial system consists of two parts:
– The religious courts:
it is responsible for matrimonial and divorce
cases. For the followers of a certain religion have their own
courts that are compatible with their belief
– The civil courts:
they are independent courts. The president of
the state appoints the magistrates in it for life, based on the recommendation of a committee. This committee consists of 8
members, two from the Supreme Court, a Minister of Justice, a
member from the Council of Ministers, two from the Knesset,
and two lawyers chosen by the Lawyers Association.

The Religious Authority; the Rabbis

Rabbis have a great and holy status among Jews, despite the bizarre
.facets and the moral chaos prevailing throughout the Israeli streets
Rabbis are the interpreters of the Jewish law and the masters of the
religion. They have a great impact on both public and political
arenas. The rabbinate consists of two leaders; one is for the
.Ashkenazi and the other is for the Sephardim
They have a strong authority, whether in religious courts or in
.interpreting laws. Also, they control popular parties

[The Economic System] Introduction

Economy is the cornerstone of building any state. Nevertheless,
although it alone is not enough, the Israelis think of it as a magic
stick that makes their wishes come true, whether in legal or illegal
ways. The Israeli economy has gone through many stages and
followed different strategies that we will talk about in this section.

Jewish Voluntary Funds

The idea of forming associations and funds to raise money from
Jews all around the world was initially for migration, settlement,
and establishment of the Jewish population’s existence in the Arab
Palestine. That’s how the Jewish National Fund and the Keren
.haYesod Fund were founded
Until now, Israel still considers these donations a economic main


Previously, there was something called agricultural kibbutzim.
“Kibbutzim” is a Hebrew word that means a “small agricultural
settlement”. They used to establish it on the border areas to serve
as defense fortifications. A person would not have anything except
a mattress to sleep on and their shoes; anything else was shared.
These settlements were eating up the Arab lands. Also, the terrorist
Zionist gangs originated from them.
Now, these settlements do not depend on agriculture that much.
Most of their production is citrus, vegetables, and cotton, etc.


After the deterioration of agriculture, and a lot of Jews increasingly
disdain working in this field, they’ve came to prefer working in the
industrial field. one of the most prominent industries is the military
industry. Their interest in this field stems from their desire to fulfill
their expansionist ambitions and to take over the lands they want.
Also, they care about the diamond industry. Israel is considered one
of the largest exporters of diamond in the world. Yet, they do it
without having mines; they manage the diamond industry by
importing diamond, by using obligatory and illegal ways and paying
cheap prices. Then, they process it locally and re-export it.


Tourism industry is an important element in Israel (the occupied
Palestine). Although it constitutes only 3% of the domestic income,
the way they deal with tourists when they visit the Palestinian areas
and the way they talk about the related historic facts are what give
sensitivity to it. The touristic activity depends on the situations

inside Palestine, like the resurgence and decrease of the Palestinian
uprising and the martyrdom operations.

The Foreign Aid

The foreign aid from the major powers to what is called the State of
Israel is considered the cornerstone on which it was established.
The British and American aids that are still being provided to this
day have contributed in the identification of the shape of this
alleged state.

The Educational System

Education is Israel is only mandatory till the age of 15. After that, it
becomes free and non-mandatory. Studies have shown that the
Israeli students are morally corrupt. They use drugs, drink alcohol,
and so on. However, Arab students suffer from racial discrimination
regarding attaining their right of education. Not only that, Jews
seed racism against Arabs in the curricula they teach.
The religious education has a great special status. There are special
schools to teach the Torah, and spread the racist and settlement
thought. The number of the fanatic extremists who graduate from
these schools is more than those from the secular schools.

[Military and Security Systems – the Israeli Regular Army] Introduction

The Israeli Army was established after the announcement of the
state’s establishment in 1948. It contains land, navy, and air forces,
and includes terrorist guerrilla groups that were there before the
The military service is obligatory for males and females above 18.
It’s usually 3-year long. Exempted people include religious Orthodox
people, students in the Talmudic schools, mothers, pregnant women, and the Palestinian citizens of Israel except the Druze,  because they’ve chose so.
The resistance movement managed to ruin their triumphalist line
“the invincible army”.

Paramilitary Organizations

-The Youth Brigade “Gadna’”:
a military organization for Jewish youth. It is commonly overseen by the Ministries of Defense and
Education. Young men and women are trained in it on air and
navy reconnaissance plans. The brigade was created by the
Haganah before 1948, and then was turned into what it is now. It
is connected with the General Staff.
– The Nahal; the Fighting Pioneering Youth:
The Nahal was  established in 1984. Every Israeli attains the age of 1 can join the
army or the Nahal. They receive military training for 3 months.
While they are under the military system, they also receive
agricultural training.

Mossad and Shin Bet

They are Israeli intelligence agencies. They gather information and
carry out assassinations, whether outside (Mossad) or inside Israel
(Shin Bet). Also, there is an intelligence called Aman, and it is
considered one of the biggest and most expensive intelligence
agencies. Generally, it’s responsible for drafting the general policy
of Israel regarding wars.

Israeli Prisons

Israeli prisons that are full of Palestinian prisoners are of the worst
ones. The prisoners experience various methods of torture that are
far from humanness. They include strappado, getting cold, rape,
and other despising and humiliating methods, not to mention the
psychological torture. Palestinians don’t need to be charged to get
in jail, since all Palestinians, males and females, are considered