The Teleferik Train above the cemetery: (Teleferik is a sky train hanged on a cable )
This sky train “Teleferik” is the last project that the occupation seeks to do, in order to judaize “Jerusalem” and “Al-Aqsa mosque”. However, the cemetery will be a trail to let this train pass through it ‘till Salwan city; where it will pass through 4 stations. This project links “ Al-Buraq Square “ and “ The Jewish Quarter “ with “ Jabal Al-Zaytoun “ and “ Ra’as Al-Amoud” in the east. The municipality of the occupation claimed that this project will serve tourists as they move between religious and archeological sites in the ancient town, at a time they intend to link settlement projects that round up “Al-Aqsa mosque”, such as: biblical gardens, synagogues and museums that have been established by the occupation authorities in the past years.