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Excavations of Al - Aqsa Mosque

Jerusalem has been home to a lot of successive civilizations over successive decades. It has a very high archeological value. The latest of what Jerusalem has witnessed is the Israeli occupation, that was subsequent to the British Mandate. It is known that any occupier who seeks to take over any land needs to take advantage of everything on that land, have control over all the imports and exports, and have roads that enable them to shape the place’s nature as they want it. This is actually what the Israeli occupation has done through various means. The most severe means used…

The Tunnel of the Generations’ Chains (Silsilat Al-Ajyal Tunnel)

It is located under the western wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque, a long tunnel that contains a museum that presents the inventors history of the Jewis […]

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Western Tunnel Excavations

These excavations began in 1970 and stopped after four years, then resumed until the end of 1988, it reached a length of 450 meters, it […]

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“ Hamam Al-Ain” Tunnel

This tunnel is located below ‘ Hamam Al-Ain” (a Waqf Charity) in the ancient Jerusalem, and its’ excavations began at the end of the year 2004 […]

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“Al-Qattaneen” Gate Tunnel

Is a tunnel coming out of the gate of Al-Qattaneen –one of Al-Aqsa mosque gates– to the bottom of “Qubbat Al Sakhra” (Dome of the […]

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South-western corner excavations

They are important because they connect between the southern and western fossils. These excavations reached the rocky area below the foundations of the western wall […]

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Excavations of the Eastern Area

The report did not record any development in this area, but it can be said that the occupation seeks to construct a sky train (teleferik); […]

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