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The Second Aqsa Massacre
In 1996, the Israeli authorities opened the gate of the western tunnel under Al-Aqsa Mosque. A Palestinian popular outburst extended all the way from north […]
Continue ReadingIsaac Rabin
Isaac Rabin joined the Zionist terrorist Palmach gang. He was appointed chief of staff of the Israeli army and was prime minister. He led the […]
Continue ReadingQambar Mosque
It’s located west of the Old Town, near Al-Jadeed Gate. It has a dome but doesn’t have a minaret. It contains a grave that is […]
Continue ReadingAl-Aqaba And Jerusalem
The city of Ayla (currently Aqaba) is located in the Levant (currently south of Jordan) on the coastal road, the last inhabited station before the […]
Continue ReadingQastal Village
Location: To the west of Jerusalem and about 10 km away. Area: Its area of land is 1446 dunums. The surrounding villages: Ein Karem, Sataf, […]
Continue ReadingThe Danger Of Jewish Festivals
The Jewish festivals are the seasons of the intensification of the intrusions, and there are mass infiltrations and attacks on the worshipers at Al Aqsa, […]
Continue ReadingAl-Qatanin Market
It was named after Al-Qatanin Gate, and because it’s for selling cotton and silk products. This market faces many dangers, due to raising taxes imposed […]
Continue ReadingThe First Coin That Holds Jerusalem’s Name
In the era of Caliph “Muawiyah Bin Abi Sufyan”. The first coin was minted. It had the word “Elijah” en-graved on it. (Elijah is Jerusalem’s name, […]
Continue ReadingEconomic Restrictions on Jerusalemites
The occupation seeks to impoverish the population of Jerusalem through the Barrier and the system of gates, and permits accompanying it; which prevented traders and […]
Continue ReadingTime division
After 2000, the occupation established times to visit Jews to Al Aqsa Mosque. Sunday through Thursday, from 7 am (8 pm) to 11 am and […]
Continue ReadingThe Church of Saint Veronica
It belongs to the Roman Catholics. it’s near Awja’ Al-A’thra’a Church. It was established in 1894, on the place that they believe where Saint Veronica […]
Continue ReadingHe First Islamic Building In Al- Aqsa Mosque
When Omar ibn al-Khattab arrived in Jerusalem, he walked in Al-Aqsa Mosque, which was an empty courtyard of buildings, and set up a temporary and […]
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