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Jerusalem Milestones

Generally, people get attracted to ancient and historic markets. In Jerusalem, they get attracted to markets that are close to the archeological, historic, and Jerusalemite landmarks, like Al-Aqsa Mosque, that has many markets around it. Some markets have been Judaized, like Al-Bashoura and Al-Husur markets in 1968, and others remained the same until now, like Khan Az-Zeit and Al-Bazar markets. These markets are characterized by having historic decorations and fine architecture.


Al-Hareesa is one of sweet pastries for young people and elderly in Jerusalem, as it’s ingredients are found in any house, and here what are […]

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Al-Kharoub syrup

Al-Kharoub syrup is Jerusalemites favorite syrup during Ramadan. It is a cool moisturizing and refreshing drink that quenches the summer thirst, and it seems to […]

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Qatayef sweets are one of the most important rituals of Ramadan, in Jerusalem and elsewhere. It is renewed every year, a sweet paste grilled on […]

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Al-Awama is an old Shamya desserts, it is famous for its fragile texture and its well-prepared recipe. It is prepared with a very simple ingredients. […]

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Al-galab syrup

This syrup is one of the favorite syrups for Palestinians in Ramadan, which It consists of a pinch of raisins or date molasses. It restores […]

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Stuffed Chicken

Stuffed Chicken in the Jerusalem style; is stuffed with rice, pine and chopped meat, which gives it a unique taste and makes it suitable to […]

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“Al-Louz” syrup “ Almond syrup”

Almond syrup is considered to be one of the most famous and popular syrups to be served during Ramadan, which is mainly composed of milk […]

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The Canaanites of Arabia

The Canaanites settled in Jerusalem 2500 years ago and printed their character, which has not changed in spite of many times, including the era of […]

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The Jebusites

The tribe of Bint built the city of Jerusalem (Yebos), and settled in it after their emigration from the Arabian Peninsula to the Levant and […]

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Abu Al-So’oud

They lived next to the Moroccan neighborhood, and the Zionists demolished their homes, including Hassan Abu al-So’oud one of the preachers of the Aqsa in […]

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Among the most prominent families of Palestine, many men emerged from them, and this family played an important role in the history of Jerusalem. The […]

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This family was attributed to Ibn Hobeish, the fourth grandfather of Sheikh al-Budairi. The family of Ibn Hobeish settled in Jerusalem before the Sheikh 150 […]

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