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Balfour Declaration

It’s a promise to the Jewish people to establish a national homeland in Palestine with full civil and religious rights that the non-Jewish communities living […]

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Al-Sara’a village

Name: Constructed at the site of the city of Siraan Canaanite which came from the land of the Danes later. It was visually identified in […]

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The Relationship between Al-Aqsa and Al-Kaaba / the Builder

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) tells us that the time gap between the building of Al-Kaaba and the building of […]

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Ar-Rubut were established to shelter Al-Mujahedeen. They were also used to shelter strangers and poor people who visit Jerusalem. The ascetics used them to worship. […]

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The Markets of the City of Jerusalem

The markets of the Old Town were built in the Umayyad era. They consist of narrow roads, and on their sides are shops. On top […]

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Talut and Goliath

During the reign of the Canaanite king Goliath, Jews were humiliated. They asked their prophet to choose them a king, to lead them to get […]

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Deir Al-Hawa village

Location: Located southwest of Jerusalem, 17 km away. Its area of ​​land is (5907) dunums. Surrounding villages: Deir al-Sheikh, Beit Atab and Deir Aban. The […]

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One Day of AlRibat Each Week

Before 2010, there was what is called “One Day of AlRibat Each Week”. People of each area in the city of Jerusalem sets a day […]

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Stuffed Chicken

Stuffed Chicken in the Jerusalem style; is stuffed with rice, pine and chopped meat, which gives it a unique taste and makes it suitable to […]

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Al-Qabou village

Location: To the southwest of Jerusalem, about 18 km away. Area: Its land area is 3806 dunums. The surrounding villages: Petir, Husan, Wadi Fukin, Ras […]

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Semiramis Hotel Massacre

This massacre happened in January 5th 1948. The terrorist Argon organization set off Semiramis hotel in Al-Qatmoun neighborhood. The hotel collapsed on the heads of […]

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Time-space Division

The time-space division of Al-Aqsa is the division of the times of entry of Muslims and Jews to Al-Aqsa Mosque, by allocating specific hours for […]

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